The Healthy Shift Worker
When it comes to shift work struggles – there are many! From chronic fatigue and tiredness to sleep-deprivation, having no energy to exercise, weight fluctuations, a depleted immune system, digestive complaints, nervous system dysregulation and a disrupted family and social life. It’s certainly not easy working 24/7 and you’re not alone in feeling this way. In this podcast, Audra speaks with experts on sleep, nutrition, weight management, stress relief and a realm of other topics relevant to shift work health. Audra also interviews current and former shift workers from an array of different industries and occupations, who are essentially the real experts behind working 24/7. This fun, informative and engaging podcast will leave you feeling motivated and inspired, and that you’re not alone in feeling like some kind of weird, nocturnal animal stuck in a wheel going round and round in circles.
Wednesday Sep 06, 2017
HSW 43: Happy People Pilot Program with Sharon Richens.
Wednesday Sep 06, 2017
Wednesday Sep 06, 2017
Happy People Program? How good does that sound?! Considering a happy workforce is always going to be way more productive when morale is high, and staff are feeling well, my first impression when I heard about this program is that it sounds too good to be true! Just to put things into context, when I Listen In
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Wednesday Aug 23, 2017
HSW 42: Fertility, Stress and Sleep with Dr Nat Kringoudis
Wednesday Aug 23, 2017
Wednesday Aug 23, 2017
Sleep deprivation undeniably plays havoc on our hormones, so today’s show is all about how shift work, or more specifically how sleep deprivation affects the function of our reproductive hormones. Dr. Nat Kringoudis is a doctor of Chinese Medicine, Acupuncturist, Author, Speaker and all-round natural fertility expert based in Melbourne, Australia and discusses why sleep deprivation is essentially a form of stress Listen In
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Wednesday Aug 09, 2017
HSW 41: Social Media, Blue Light and Sleep.
Wednesday Aug 09, 2017
Wednesday Aug 09, 2017
This week’s episode is all about things that can disrupt our sleep which is not great when you’re already running on a deficit thanks to a sleep-disrupted lifestyle, and include social media and blue-light. Whilst as a Nutritionist, a lot of my clinical focus when working with my patients is around food, nutrition and supplementation, Listen In
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Wednesday Jul 26, 2017
HSW 40: Shift Work and Your Immune System.
Wednesday Jul 26, 2017
Wednesday Jul 26, 2017
It’s currently winter here in Australia, and many of my clients are showing signs of being struck down by various things like colds and flu so today’s episode is going to be all about that – your immune system, and how shift work, or more specifically sleep deprivation impairs its ability to function as it Listen In
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Wednesday Jul 12, 2017
HSW 39: Weight Gain, Food Timing and Chrononutrition.
Wednesday Jul 12, 2017
Wednesday Jul 12, 2017
This week I chat about my all time favourite topic – Food Timing, or the more fancier, scientific way to describe it is Chrononutrition. Chrononutrition involves the study of how nutrition impacts on our metabolism, via our internal body clock, which includes meal regularity (or in the case of a shift worker, meal irregularity), frequency Listen In
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Wednesday Jun 28, 2017
HSW 38: Sugar Cravings and Sleep Deprivation
Wednesday Jun 28, 2017
Wednesday Jun 28, 2017
One of the most common struggles I hear from my shift working clients is this ongoing, relentless craving for sugar! But why is that? Why are shift workers notorious for craving (and eating) all of the sweet stuff – the highly refined carbohydrates that are neither good for our insides or our waistline?! Well it Listen In
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Wednesday Jun 14, 2017
HSW 37: Sleep Disruption in our Homes with Nicole Bijlsma
Wednesday Jun 14, 2017
Wednesday Jun 14, 2017
As shift workers, we certainly understand how working irregular hours causes havoc on our sleep, but something most of us don’t even think about, is how our home environment may be disrupting our sleep. In this episode I chat with Nicole Bijlsma, a Naturopath, Acupuncturist, Building Biologist and author of the bestselling book – Healthy Listen In
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Wednesday May 31, 2017
HSW 36: Nutritional Skype Consultations for Shift Workers with Audra Starkey
Wednesday May 31, 2017
Wednesday May 31, 2017
Are you struggling to maintain your health and well-being whilst working 24/7? Are you looking for some one-on-one guidance, but have been unable to find someone who really “gets you” and understands exactly what it’s like to work shift work? Well if you answered ‘yes’ to either of those questions, then stay tuned for this Listen In
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Wednesday May 17, 2017
HSW 35: Type 2 Diabetes and Weight Loss with Wendy Steward.
Wednesday May 17, 2017
Wednesday May 17, 2017
Over the years I’ve been submerging myself in journal articles on all things to do with shift work health, and something which keeps coming up in the research, is that shift workers are quite prone to developing insulin resistance, a condition where the body in unable to move glucose from the blood, and into the Listen In
The post HSW 35: Type 2 Diabetes and Weight Loss with Wendy Steward. appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
Wednesday May 03, 2017
HSW 34: Shift Work and Autoimmune Disease with Nutritionist Brad Leech
Wednesday May 03, 2017
Wednesday May 03, 2017
Today’s podcast is pretty cool because I got to catch up and chat with a fellow student from University, Clinical Nutritionist and Ayurvedic Herbalist Brad Leech, who has an absolute passion when it comes to all things to do with autoimmune disease, a condition which is becoming more and more prevalent in society today. With Listen In
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Wednesday Apr 19, 2017
HSW 33: Nursing and Smart DNA Testing with Cara Henstridge.
Wednesday Apr 19, 2017
Wednesday Apr 19, 2017
Nurses represent a massive part of the shift working population so I’m super excited to be chatting with a lady who has been working in this field for over 30 years which yes, I agree, is a very long time! Cara Henstridge works at Sandringham hospital in Melbourne and shares what its like to run Listen In
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Wednesday Apr 05, 2017
HSW 32: Eating for Energy with Yuri Elkhaim.
Wednesday Apr 05, 2017
Wednesday Apr 05, 2017
Ongoing and relentless tiredness is such a big part of being a shift worker, which is why in this week’s podcast, I’ve brought in the expert on all things to do with boosting our energy – nutrition, fitness and fat loss expert Yuri Elkhaim, who is joining us all the way from Toronto in Canada. Listen In
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